First Ever WedTech Summit Comes to San Francisco

We are so excited to announce the upcoming WedTech Summit, the first ever full-day conference  all about the latest in wedding technology, happening in San Francisco on November 10, 2014!

With 300 expected startup and wedding industry attendees, WedTech Summit promises to be a great networking opportunity not just for wedding vendors in the Bay Area, but all stakeholders in the wedding industry. With a variety of panels ranging from topics like The Importance of the Wedding Registry to Bridging the Gap Between Consumers and Vendors, the summit looks like it will be informative to those within and outside of the industry.

Speakers at WedTech Summit

“We’re bringing together the combined power of the wedding aisle, Silicon Valley and Madison Avenue,” said WedTech Summit founders. “With this unique and potent blend of influencers, brand leaders, entrepreneurs and rock stars from the wedding industry brought together to attend, sponsor and speak, there are so many amazing reasons to attend.”

Speakers include the rising stars of wedding technology such as the founders of HoneyBook, Carats & Cake and The Bach, as well as members of the media, technology innovators and several well-known wedding industry pros.

WedTech Summit is poised to become an annual star-studded event with the who’s who of the wedding industry.

WedTech Speakers

Our team will definitely be there, so please join us for the first ever WedTech Summit to ensure you don’t miss out on building connections within the worlds of wedding and technology.



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