Last issue of Modern Bride magazine

When Conde Nast announced last week that they’re shutting down Gourmet, Modern Bride and Elegant Bride, I panicked. The announcement said Modern Bride’s current issue was the last one. It was October and in Dec/Jan issue my jewelry client, Yael Designs, was supposed to have a ring featured.I tried contacting the Modern Bride editor – her email returned and her phone line was turned off. So I went on Twitter and saw that someone said they just received the Dec/Jan issue. I couldn’t believe it. I ran to the stores only to find the October bride smirking at me from the newsstands.

But after several days of turmoil, the December issue finally (and quite mysteriously) appeared. And my client’s ring made it in! Ironically, the last issue still had a 10-month subcription card inside.


Sasha Vasilyuk is the founder of I Do PR and an award-winning journalist who has covered travel, culture and business for Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, San Francisco Chronicle and others.

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